Thursday, July 26, 2012

CE Art Instructor Robert Atkins Completes 50+ Covers for GI JOE!

Comics Experience Art Instructor Robert Atkins recently hit a big milestone -- completion of more than FIFTY covers for IDW's GI JOE comic book line!

As Robert said on his blog:
"I started drawing GI Joe for IDW in 2008...I started a run on the book that I hardly expected to be so continually involved with at the time. Four years later I've done over 50 covers for the property."
Robert just completed his latest arc on a GI JOE book with Snake Eyes #16.

Robert has also done work for Marvel, NBC, Dark Horse and DC comics while he's been working on GI JOE, in addition to launching his Kickstarter project for Elders of the Runestone.

On top of all that, Robert also teaches our Comics Experience art classes!

If you'd like to improve your craft and learn about breaking into the comics industry as an artist, Robert's next Introduction to Comic Book Art course begins on August 30, 2012 and there's still time to sign up right here!

But, in the meantime, check out this great graphic of Robert's spectacular cover run from his Robert Atkins Art Blog!

(Click the picture at right for a larger view)

If you want to make comics, write or draw comics, or improve as a comics creator, you'll find like-minded friends and colleagues in our online workshops and courses. We hope to see you there!

Posted by Rob Anderson
Twitter / Facebook


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