Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Post Con Advice

So I'm exhausted from the Con. So is everyone else, but try to find the time to do these things:

1. Drop an email to the contacts you made. Remind them who you are and what you talked about. Put your contact information in the email.

2. Ask if you can talk with them further and if this is the best way to contact them.

3. You might also ask if there is someone else they recommend that you speak with.

4. Research the people that you met--what they work on, what their specific roll is, etc.

5. Relax. Give them time to respond. If you haven't heard back in 10 days, give another touch out.

6. Make a list of things that you did that worked at the show.

7. Make a list of things that didn't work for you at the show.

8. Make a list of what you can do next time to make more of the show while you're there.

9. Organize all of your new contacts in a place and way that you can get them easily. If using contacts on a computer, put notes in the contacts so you know who they are, when you met, and why you're entering them into your contact list--you will forget all of these things :)

10. If you're a writer who linked up with a writer or an artist, take it easy. It's exciting that you may work with someone, but it's a lot like dating. Take your time and make sure that this is the right person for your project. They'll be doing the same.

Those are my quick post-con thoughts. They're probably not much as my brain is completely fried.

Hope it helps a bit though.


