Monday, May 31, 2010

Comics Experience Alum Launches New Book at Heroes Con!

Rob Anderson was a part of the online intro to writing class just a few months back and now he's debuting his new book ANIMAL CONTROL: SPECIAL CREATURES UNIT at Heroes Con this coming weekend!

Rob worked on the concept while attending the CE introductory writing class in October 2009. He's currently taking the Advanced class and kicking butt in it! He also regularly attends the Comics Experience Book Club where he tells me he's learning all kinds of cool storytelling habits and insight.

The book he's launching under his banner PANDA DOG PRESS contains three short stories and is 20 pages in glorious black and white. If attending Heroes Con, go by the Panda Dog Press booth and pick up a copy! If not attending the con, you can still get a copy through

And to make it an even more exciting thing for Comics Experience, Rob linked up with Introduction to Comic Book Coloring alum Coleen Allen to color the cover seen here! Congratulations to them both!

Preview pages of the book can be seen here.

2010 is shaping up to be a very exciting time for Comics Experience as we've seen alumni getting professional work from multiple publishers, producing their own comics, creating new clubs online, and even selling properties to Hollywood!

Look for more exciting announcements about new kinds of courses and new start dates for the classics coming soon!

Congrats again, Rob and Coleen!



  1. Your website is really cool and this is a great inspiring article . Watch The Sims 4 channels streaming live on Twitch. Sign up or login to join the community and follow your favorite Sims 4 news streamers!

  2. Congratulations to Rob and Coleen, and here's to more success retro bowl stories from Comics Experience alumni!

